Understanding and Dealing with Fibroids
While every woman has a different script for her menopausal years, there are a number of conditions that we see a bit more frequently than some others. Fibroids, an abnormal tissue growth that forms on the inner or outer wall of the uterus, or within the muscle layers of the uterus, is a common issue.
According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), “Most American women will develop fibroids at some point in their lives.” Statistically, 70-80 percent of women will get fibroids by age 50.
Of course, a number of women with uterine fibroids experience no signs or symptoms; fibroids are diagnosed incidentally during a routine exam. For others, fibroids can cause worrisome symptoms that may include pelvic pain that doesn’t go away, overly heavy or prolonged or painful periods or difficulty emptying your bladder.
Menopause and all the nuances of the transition can be one of the most emotional, stressful, psychologically draining times in a woman’s life. To help, we invite all women to attend the Red Hot Mamas seminars and support group. I am hosting the Red Hot Mamas seminar on Tuesday, March 7, 2017 at Portneuf Medical Center. The seminar, “Got Fibroids? Understanding and Dealing with Fibroids,” will focus on the types, causes, risk factors, symptoms, diagnosing, complications, and treatment options for fibroids.
The Red Hot Mamas seminars are free and all women are invited to attend. Grab a girlfriend or two and come find out more about this unique time in a woman’s life. The seminar is in the Pebble Creek Room at Portneuf. Doors open at 6pm; the presentation begins at 6:30. Light refreshments will be served. To reserve a seat, visit portneuf.org/event/rhm or call 208-239-1048.
It’s never too early to start eating healthy, balancing your hormone levels and educating yourself about the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause. Whether you’re in your 30s, 40s or 50s, of if you are experiencing symptoms of fibroids, have questions or any new or unusual changes, call the Pocatello Women’s Health Clinic at 208-232-6100 to schedule an appointment.